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Sun June 02, 2024
(NBC News)
Homeowners find out the hard way that drones are the new insurance adjusters. Beware of low-flying premiums
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(WFAA Fort Worth)
Assuming there are no shallow creeks to ford, sandy areas, or exceedingly treacherous carwashes involved, the World's Largest Vortex of Suck will descend on Fort Worth soon
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Still no water in Atlanta. Atlantis still ok
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Sat June 01, 2024
(AP News)
Another day, another asshat climate activist takes their protest to a classic work of art. Subby's shopping for a new car and might consider buying a big-ass diesel truck just to spite these jackholes
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(KRON 4)
Grocery stores fined $1.6M for selling expired food. Expired vs. best by arguments to the right
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(Big E Radio)
Noise Factor brings a host of new music tonight including Enojado, Dopethrone, Tricoma, and Atomic Yeti. What's the deal with all the Ticketmaster articles lately? Also Old Man Gloom, Lesser Glow, The Acid Machine, and more @ 10:30 PM ET
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(Daily Mail)
Conclusive evidence this Daily Mail reporter has never been to America
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(Some Guy)
And then there's "police said he was unable to blow into the tube" drunk
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Wildlife, statues, sports, and your personal information are all on the Fark Weird News Quiz, May 23-29 Feed the Press Edition
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(Jerusalem Post)
That's a nice ceasefire you've got there. Be a shame if something happened to it
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Photoshop this cold crew
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(Some Guy)
Two hours of semi-randomly selected music from the 60s to the 80s on Paul's Memory Bank tonight (8PM EDT). Then, can Clark fake being in a car accident to throw mob boss Biggie Conroy off the trail of him finding out Superman's true identity?
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(WFLA Tampa Bay)
Florida Man lands helicopter in protected bird nesting area so his passenger can take photos. Florida tag pretty much always equates to Facepalm, Asinine, Dumbass and Stupid tags
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Chad Daybell has dug his own grave
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(Some Sandy)
Photoshop this finishing touch
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(AP News)
Panama's first evacuations from rising sea levels have begun
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Explorer remains mysteriously vanish on Everest. Someone dug up the survivors?
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The real crime is a cheeseburger cost $7
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(CBS News)
It's a good thing her husband is a lousy shot
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(Atlas Obscura)
Caption this bunny-eared guy
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(NBC News)
Wait, a police department just did the right thing? A *Florida* police department? Will wonders never cease
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(ABC News)
"Hey boss, did they turn off the gas line?" "Uh, I think so, should be okay to cut it." *cut* *BOOM*
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Carpenter used Apple Tags to get his power tools, and 15,000 others
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Entire town left abandoned with creepy church and "bizarre gnome" on doorstep. Meh, I've seen more bizarre gnomes
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(Some Guy)
Photoshop this scoot
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"What one man learned living alone in the wilderness for 40 years." That we should stop forcing high-school students to read that overrated book?
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Day 829 of WW3: Russia launched a barrage of missiles and drones on Saturday morning, damaging Ukrainian energy facilities in the Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyrovohrad, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. It's your Saturday Ukraine war polylogue
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A Texas kitty named Porridge has already proven himself to be quite the survivor - and now, as he recovers from serious injuries, the feline is looking for a home to live out the rest of his days as a star. Welcome to Caturday
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Wish your heroin was stronger? You're in luck. Well, sorta
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1 in 5 Americans have internet access thanks to the Affordable Connectivity Program... until midnight
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"It was a bit like negotiating one's way up a badger's arse"
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(9News (Australia))
Today in the money is not in the banana stand news: Maserati-driving banana thief forces fruit stand to install security cameras because of his banana stealing ways
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(ABC News)
It's not often that a suicide bomber retires, and it's even less often that they're full-on heroes
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(KRON 4)
Don't cry over spilled meat, unless stuck in a four hour traffic backup
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(The Daily Beast)
Spirit is the waffle house of airlines
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Not satisfied with the current airline experience? Don't worry, they are considering new ideas such as "airplane seats made from sustainable materials such as recycled fishing nets and cactus"
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